Free yourself from paper, spreadsheets and homemade 'systems'

Let absence management become a breeze!

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Make life easier with an automated cloud-based absence system

Create a better work environment

Forget all the tedious manual work, outdated  spreadsheets and drive files. Get an updated and centralized overview of all absence. Make plans and enjoy the freedom!
Leave planner

Build a better and more robust organization

We've all been there. Manual processes, inventive systems consisting of spreadsheets, drive documents, emails back and forth, misunderstandings and people forgetting to apply for leave or using leave they're not entitled to.

There are just so many advantages of having a proper absence management system in place that it should be a no brainer to get one.

The benefits of a proper absence management software system

  • Reduce the time spent on administration of time-off and leave for yourself and others involved in the management of your business. Instead of having manual processes and follow ups, make it a breeze to both apply for leave and to approve. It's all in the cloud so no more storage of local files or emails back and forth.
  • Employee wellbeing and satisfaction increases. Since you have a structured and organized system in place you reduce stress for everyone. There are no more doubts about how many days of leave are left and you'll always have a clear overview of the company, making sure that everyone takes they time off they should. Also since absenteeism will be reduced, colleagues will be less affected by negativity since they will have to cover less extra work.
  • Better coordination of your company. Avoid that too many people are away at the same time, and plan ahead in case you see that capacity will be hurt.
  • Less absenteeism. Absent employees cost a lot of money each year. With clear statistics and documentation you can get to the root issues of departments or individuals with high absenteeism. If it's high stress or other reasons this will help you put measures in place. With stats and monitoring, employees will also think twice before staying away from work.
  • Better understand your company. With stats and reports you can easily compare your staff's absence in comparison with other businesses in the same category. Use the insight to equip your management team with better tools to build a more robust organization.
Build better business

Great features that you and your employees will love

Personal leave calendars
Every employee gets their own leave calendar to do their own planning.
Bring it on the go. Mobile optimised
Apply and approve leave from the device of your choice.
International leave policy templates
We've included some pre-made templates for popular countries to get you started. Easily adaptable to your needs
Include your own policies
Got some special leave policies to include? You can customize all policies on a detailed level
Remote teams and multiple locations
Get an easy overview and plan ahead no matter where people are located
International calendars
Teams in different countries and locations? Get holidays in sync wherever you are!

Absence overview with personal calendars

Personalised Calendar View
All employees and team members will get their own personal and complete yearly overview of their available days, with updated local holidays and an overview of time already taken.
Updated bank holidays
Count the days available and days used. Break down the calendar view into days, weeks or months.
Time-off and absence calendar
See the whole company in on view makes the planning much easier

Customize your absence policies

Get flexible and build your own policies or adapt easily your existing. Got an idea for a new kind of absence policy? Just add it to the list of available. Or just delete obsolete policies.
Have you experienced that other systems limits your possibilities? No more with our absence policy builder. Make it easy or add more advanced rules. It's up to you!

Policy templates - get started quickly

We've added some pre-made policies to get you started quickly. These can easily be adapted by tweaking the settings and you are ready to go. Or you can decide to use them as is. No more head scratching in order to build a new policy - we'll get you up and running in no time!

Especially made for remote teams & globetrotters

  • Use updated holiday calendards for different countries
    It's supereasy to manage international teams - and know when there is a bank holiday in that country.
  • Add country specific policies or per tean member
    Assign policies based on country they work in or setup other rules.
  • Ready made policies for different countries
    Wondering how to setup a sick leave in Norway or standard holiday in Poland. Wonder no more!
Cloud based, always ready to go!

Save time & reduce cost

A smarter way to plan for absence and make work more efficient. Always have an updated view on who's away.
Leave planner
Use the tools you already have

Integrate with Google Calendar and Slack

See the vacation schedule in directly in your calendar - no need to login in extra systems to see when you and others have leave.
and many more coming!
Outline graphic depicting hand nurturing a heart

Pick and choose the functionality that suits your needs

Pay for only what you need

Why fork out for something that you don't use?

Fair pricing

If you have 10 or 100 users, you only pay for the exact number of users.

Great Support all the way

Stuck? We know the feeling. We'll make you unstuck!

Why we built LessAdmin

We've been there - spending hours on tedious administrative tasks.
As fellow founders and small business owners we know that what you want and need is to focus on building your business.
That is why we built LessAdmin.
"We created LessAdmin to give small businesses the power to manage their workforce with the same efficiency as large corporations, but for a fraction of the cost."